
Hello World

Submitted by: Ryan Ford
Published: Apr 14, 2021 - 07:30 AM

First post on the new blog.

I'll take this opportunity to showcase some of the features of the new static blogger git-blog-tup that is, at the time of this post, newly released.

Posts are authored in markdown or HTML and published via git. Using git for this purpose actually adds a lot of features. The obvious addtion would be free version control. Post revision history is stored and documented at the bottom of the post. Another freebie we get is: users. git-blog-tup is multi-user by default. If someone commits a post to your blog repo, then they are duely credited as it’s author.

In addition to versioning and users, git-blog-tup has an extensible plugin/middleware system with several plugins pre-made for you. Out of the box, we get static syntax highlighting (no runtime JS libraries needed) and sass compilation. In the near future I will probably add tags for posts and an HTML minifier and more as need arises.

Going forward, I hope to write about more instructive topics as well as exploring some project ideas. If I manage to build some momentum I might try and do some full-blown tutorials/series in the future.

As is tradition: I'll leave you with a “hello world” elevated by git-blog-tup’s highlighted codeblocks.

local greeting = [[
 _   _   ___   _   _    ___
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|  _  | |  }_ | |_| |_ ||_|| 
|_| |_| |____||___|___||___|
 _  _  _  ___  ____  _    ___
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\   _   /||_||| '-'/| |_ | |_|\
 \_/ \_/ |___||_|\_\|___||____/
